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Living Faithfully Bible Study


Like an anchor holds a ship steady in turbulent seas, the truths of God’s word keep us grounded during life’s trying times. Living Faithfully studies are designed to develop knowledge of scriptural assurances to anchor us through the trials of life.

Use the email sign up on this page to be emailed a Word document (.docx) of this month’s study. OR click on the =>  Wellsprings Bible Study Part Three  <=   link below to receive an immediate download of a .PDF file.

You can also watch the video (below) to supplement the study. Each study takes around 45-60 minutes, so they can be done in one sitting, or spread out over several days.

NOTE:  Only the current month’s study is listed here. If you would like previous studies, please visit my Gumroad site to purchase them for a small fee:

January Study


(Click on the title for a downloadable .PDF) 

  click here  => Wellsprings-Bible-Study-Part-Three.pdf <=

From the Creation through the Revelation, peaceful and powerful sources of waters are depicted in scripture. Almighty God is an artist, and His water scenes are beautifully crafted in visions and prophecies and in the words of Jesus. God uses imagery to provide a more concrete picture of Who He is.

This topical study explores the sources of water that spring forth truth and bless us with God’s grace for a fruitful life. From hidden underground springs of water to powerful and destructive floods, we can understand our Lord more deeply by connecting to descriptions about the flow and purposes of God’s design of lifegiving waters.

Bible Study Videos

If you learn better through listening and/or viewing, watch this short video of the study.  Also, if you missed previous studies that you would like to have, please visit my Gumroad site to purchase them for a small fee: