(an excerpt from my book, The Ministry of the Unveiled Face)

Behold, you are beautiful, my love, behold, you are beautiful!  Your eyes are doves behind your veil.”(Song of Solomon 4:1a)


David could not take his eyes off Lauren as she gracefully walked down the aisle of the sanctuary. How he longed to see her face, now shadowed by a delicate lace veil. He knew her beauty, of course. But he couldn’t control the short, quick breaths betraying his nervous energy.  He yearned to gaze at the sparkling eyes and beautiful smile of his soon-to-be bride.

Because the imagery of removing the wedding veil was important to them, they chose a more traditional ceremony. David’s removal of the delicate lace veil would provide a lifelong reminder of the moment they committed to cherish each other forever. The ceremony progressed, his anticipation causing him to fidget. His best man gently nudged him hoping it would stop the weight-shifting. Finally, the minister provided the long-awaited permission, “You may kiss your bride.” David lifted the veil, and the longed-for intimacy enhanced by this symbolic act became the first step in their new life together.

Traditional weddings include this cherished ritual of unveiling the bride’s face. In an instant, unity is birthed. The husband and wife walk hand in hand into an unknown future, knowing they will share good times, endure hardship, and hold fast to each other day by day.

The Symbolism of the Veil

The symbolism of this marital “unveiling” applies to one’s relationship with Jesus Christ as well. A spiritual unveiling occurs when a person yields their life to Him. In that moment of surrender, the bridegroom reveals His goodness and steadfast love for the bride. This unearthly unity transcends anything imaginable in the natural realm.

In the spiritual realm, the veil symbolizes an unseen covering that prevents a person from receiving and understanding the Kingdom of God. Like the bride’s veil, this supernatural covering is removed when a relationship with Christ begins. With the absence of the veil comes illumination and transformation as Jesus molds and makes us more like Him. We live our lives in awe of and in devotion to the One who loves us eternally. With transformed hearts, mindsets change. A new, heavenly perspective reigns over natural inclinations, and our sinful nature is exchanged for one with faith as its foundation. Like the husband and wife, we commit to trust and sacrifice for our cherished love, Jesus Christ, and His undying devotion protects us and provides for us eternally.

The Bridegroom’s Love

In the Old Testament book, Song of Solomon, God’s love for His church is portrayed poetically, comparing it to the tender love of marriage. Reading Song of Solomon 2:10-14 is like listening in on the bride describing the voice of the bridegroom calling to her:

“Arise, my love, my beautiful one, and come away, for behold, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land. The fig tree ripens its figs, and the vines are in blossom; they give forth fragrance. Arise, my love, my beautiful one, and come away. O my dove, in the clefts of the rock, in the crannies of the cliff, let me see your face, let me hear your voice, for your voice is sweet, and your face is lovely.”

The analogy is purposeful, for God calls everyone to this same intimacy and union. He invites us to come to a place where growth and fruit are abundant. There in the protected cleft of the rock the bridegroom holds his beloved’s face. This picture symbolizes the love Christ has for all who yield to His call. His voice invites us to a place of refuge and a relationship that acknowledges vulnerability.

Greater depth to the comparison comes with the realization that not only is the bride’s innocence and beauty a joy to the bridegroom, but the illumination of the bridegroom’s goodness brings an unimaginable peace and security to the bride. Is it any wonder, then, why the Apostle Paul addresses the removal of the veil as a transformative moment when the Lord imparts His glory to the soul of the one who receives Him (2 Corinthians 3:18)?

“And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.” –2 Corinthians 3:19

And even now, the bridegroom extends a hand to all who wish to enter into this intimacy.  He has made a way for us to know hope and love like we’ve never known. The beauty of God’s goodness lies behind a veil that currently shields our spiritual sight and understanding. It is only by accepting Christ’s invitation that we will come to see what lies behind the veil.

NOTE:  If you would like to know Jesus more intimately (so many just know of him, but don’t personally know him), you can pray the prayer below. Also, start reading your Bible (begin with one of the gospels), and reach out to a Christian church to find out more if you prefer. Here’s a prayer you can pray:  Lord Jesus, I want to know more about you. I want to experience this close intimate relationship that so many speak of. I now humble my pride and invite you to be the Lord of my life from this day forward. Help me see your goodness and glory.  Help me see what lies behind the veil that has kept me from knowing and understanding you.  In your name, I pray.  Amen.